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Author - Matchmaker - Dating Coach
I promise you that I can write the most beautiful, eloquent introduction to my website. But I am not going to. Instead, I am going to congratulate you on making it this far.
You made it.
Let's get the honest truths out of the way.
Divorce sucks
Dating after divorce is draining
Don't even get me started on dating apps
Feel It. Heal It. Let It Go.
Taking Power Back From Your Pain
Coaching Testimonials
"Nicole created a safe environment, probably one of the safest places all of us have visited in our lives. Free of judgment, free to speak truth, free to be educated by her, free from embarrassment....and most of to grow. She watered us, gave us sunlight, pruned and fed us until we budded. The daily questions kept me growing and learning about myself. Stuff that I already knew but didn't care to answer, nor recognize" - Zoe B
"This is amazing. It feels amazing to find pieces of me. My Puzzle. I can't stop smiling today. I feel so happy. I guess because I really just feel hope. I've answered the biggest question of my life. This workshop has opened doors for me that haven't been opened for a very long time. As painful as that has been, I have an overwhelming feeling of hope. I'm looking forward to each new session more and more." - Nikki M.
"I have been very negative for a long time and this class has helped me to see that while it's okay to be down or upset about things, they shouldn't drag us down. I've thought about what I love to do and haven't done. It taught me to be happy and love myself again, and to begin to fill my cup, I have to go back to my roots. Happiness is a choice and I have chosen to push it away for so long because I thought I didn't deserve it. Now I know I do deserve it and to let it into my life again, it starts with small changes and simple choices. These thoughts or epiphanies wouldn't have been possible without this class." -Lyndsey S.
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